The International Scientific Conference: The Ukrainian Crisis and Its Significance for International Security

The International Scientific Conference: The Ukrainian Crisis and Its Significance for International Security

The International Scientific Conference:
"The Ukrainian Crisis and Its Significance

for International Security"

Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, November 19th-20th, 2015


Ongoing – since 2013 – crisis in Ukraine together with political and military engagement of the Russian Federation siding with pro-Russian separatists, gained international dimension. Annexation of Crimea by Russia as well as initiation of "rebellious war" in Eastern Ukraine were the Kremlin's response for occidental orientation of Ukraine's foreign policy represented by Euromaidan camp. Concurrently, according to some analysts, Russian policy toward Ukraine is just a stage in realization of a broader concept aiming to restoration of the Russian hegemony in post-Soviet area.

The consecutive phases of the Ukrainian crisis confirm the collapse of the international security system on the axis Russia-NATO and, even wider, Russia-the West that has bound for over two decades. The expansive policy of the Kremlin and violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity does not remain without an influence also on national security systems of individual NATO member states, particularly the Baltic republics and Poland. International balance of power in the Middle Eastern Europe, that took form after the breakup of the Soviet Union, during the past several months simply ceased to be in force.

The subject matter of the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on international security system requires scrupulous and multidimensional analyses. The organizers of the International Scientific Conference "The Ukrainian Crisis and Its Significance for International Security" invite all interested political scientists, economists, pundits and experts in defence and security studies as well as the post-Soviet issues for considerations over political, military and economic aspects of the Ukrainian crisis in the context of international security, its conditions and threats.

Three principal panels of the conference are expected:

Political panel

In this panel the questions regarding political dimension of the Ukrainian crisis will be contained. In particular, we suggest such problems like:

  • an issue of Ukraine's neutrality and its non-aligned status in geopolitical context;
  • Poland toward the Ukrainian crisis;
  • Belarus toward the Ukrainian crisis;
  • Western states in the face of the Ukrainian crisis;
  • a question of nationalisms in Russia and Ukraine;
  • an impact of the Ukrainian crisis for the image of Russia abroad;
  • pro-Western inclination of Ukraine's foreign policy (prospects of Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU);
  • an influence of the Ukrainian crisis on changes within Russian and Ukrainian power establishment;
  • an impact of the Ukrainian crisis on evolution of Russian political system and its practice of wielding authority and administering.

Military panel

This panel will encompass problems concerning military dimension of Ukrainian crisis. In particular, we suggest an analysis of the following issues:

  • NATO's stance on the Ukrainian crisis;
  • an influence of war in Ukraine on the NATO evolution (the reforms of the Alliance, strengthening of NATO's Eastern flank);
  • an impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Poland's defence doctrine;
  • the Ukrainian crisis and the hybrid warfare;
  • the Ukrainian crisis and the propaganda and psychological warfare;
  • conflict in Donbass and treatment of prisoners-of-war;
  • intelligence and counter-intelligence aspect of the Ukrainian crisis;
  • a question of weapon supplies for Ukraine;
  • armed forces involved in the conflict.

Economic panel

In this panel the questions relating to economic dimension of Ukrainian crisis will be discussed. Especially, we suggest an analysis of such issues as:

  • short-, mid- and long-term effects of the Ukrainian crisis on economies of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus;
  • an influence of the Ukrainian crisis on economic security of Poland;
  • an impact of sanctions on the economic relations between the EU and Russia;
  • the Ukrainian crisis and re-orientation of Ukraine's trade from Russia to the West;
  • the Ukrainian crisis and "oil conspiracy";
  • post-revolutionary economic reforms in Ukraine;
  • a problem of the severance of cooperation of military-industrial complexes of Russia and Ukraine.


The conference fee is 300 PLN (students and Ph.D. candidates 150 PLN)

Within conference fee we provide:

  • active participation in the conference;
  • hot meals and coffee buffet during the conference;
  • accommodation for the night together with the breakfast;
  • authors' copies of conference materials.

In the case of speakers from abroad financial questions will be regulated separately.


September 30th, 2015: sending in application form on -email address of Jakub Żak, Ph.D., the Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Conference (

To submit a paper topic for consideration, please send a paper title, an abstract (150 words maximum) and your CV (Title, First Name, Last Name, Institutional Affiliation, email – 300 words maximum).

November 1h, 2015: payment of the conference fee amounting to 300 PLN (students and Ph.D. candidates 150 PLN) on banking account PEKAO S.A o/Ostrowiec 08124013851111000011858553  (please, write CONFERENCE in the title of transfer)

November 20th, 2015: sending in conference materials on e-mail address of Jakub Żak, Ph.D., the Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Conference (

In case of any question regarding the conference, including the issue of accessibility, accommodation please make contact with Jakub Żak, Ph.D., the secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Conference (


Col. Ryszard Jakubczak, BEng, MSc, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (Police Adacemy in Szczytno, POL), Victor Juc, PhD, DSc, ProfTit. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, MDA), Col. Vojtech Jurčák, BEng, MCs, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (Armed Forces Academy of Gen. Milan Rastislaw Štefánik in Liptovský Mikulás, SVK), Brig. Gen. Miroslav Kelemen, BEng, MCs, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (University of Security Management in Košice, SVK), Petro Kralyuk, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (National University of Ostroh Academy, UKR), Jurij Makar, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, UKR), Col. Pavel Nečas BEng, MCs, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (University of Security Management in Košice, SVK), Petro Nikiforov, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, UKR), Brig. Gen. József Padányi, BEng, MSc, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (National University of Public Service, HUN), Ihor Pasichnyk, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (National University of Ostroh Academy, UKR), Ryszard Piasecki, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (University of Lodz, POL), Andrzej Piskozub, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (University of Gdańsk, POL), Col. Julian Skrzyp, PhD, DSc, ProfTit (National Defence University, POL), Sergiusz Wasiuta PhD, DSc, ProfTit (Pedagogical University of Cracow, POL), Brig. Gen. Boris Ďurkech, BEng, MSc, PhD, Assoc.Prof. (Armed Forces Academy of Gen. Milan Rastislaw Štefánik in Liptovský Mikulás, SVK), Jerzy Kitowski PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof. (University of Rzeszow, POL), Antoni Olak, PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof (College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, POL), Mirosław Sułek, PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof. (University of Warsaw, POL), Stanislav Szabo, BEng, MSc, PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof. (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZE), Romuald Szeremietiew, PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof. (National Defence University, POL), Grzegorz Ślusarz, PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof. (University of Rzeszow, POL), Eduard Balashov, PhD (National University of Ostroh Academy, UKR), Col. Jan Berny BEng, MSc, PhD (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, POL), Svetlana Cebotari, PhD, Assoc.Prof. (Moldova State Unicersity, MDA), Darie Cristea, PhD (University of Bucharest, ROM), Anna Doliwa-Klepacka, PhD, Assoc.Prof. (University of Bialystok, POL), Paweł Dziekański, PhD (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, POL), Col Janusz Falecki, PhD (College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, POL), Lt. Gen. Józef Flis, BEng, MSc, PhD (Wszechnica Polska University in Warsaw, POL), Przemysław Furgacz, PhD (College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, POL), Paweł Gotowiecki, PhD (College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, POL), Darina Grigorova, PhD, Assoc.Prof. (Sofia University, BUL), Vladimír Němec, BEng, MSc, PhD (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZE), Abel Polese, PhD (Tallin University, EST), Col. Vasile Simileanu PhD, Assoc.Prof. (Bucharest University of Economic Studies, ROM), Col. Krzysztof Surdyk, BEng, MCs, PhD (College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, POL), Leszek Sykulski, PhD (Polish Geopolitical Society, College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, POL), Vadim Volovoj, PhD, (Mykolas Romeris University, LTU), Andrzej Zapałowski, PhD (Polish Geopolitical Society/ University of Rzeszow, POL), Brig. Gen. Włodzimierz Zieliński BEng, MSc, PhD (Marshal Józef Piłsudski College of Security and Protection in Warsaw).


  • College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski – Faculty of Social and  Technical Sciences (POL) – MAIN ORGANISER;
  • Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislaw Štefánik in Liptovský Mikulás (SVK);
  • Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Transportation Sciences (CZE);
  • Institute of Geopolitics in Częstochowa (POL);
  • National University of Ostroh Academy (UKR);
  • Pedagogical University of Cracow –  Institute of Politology (POL);
  • Periodical "Ante Portas – Security Study"  (POL);
  • Polish Geopolitical Society (POL);
  • University of Rzeszow – Faculty of Economics (POL);
  • Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (UKR).


Chairman: Maj.Gen. Andrzej Pietrzyk, BEng, MCs, Deputy Chairman: Paweł Gotowiecki, PhD, Secretary: Jakub Żak, PhD, Press Officer: Marta Dobrowolska-Wesołowska, MA, (, Members: Przemysław Furgacz, PhD, Barbara Bakalarz-Kowalska, MA, Agnieszka Batóg, MA, Dominika Lipka, Klaudia Górczyńska.








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