“Przegląd Geopolityczny” (Geopolitical Review) is the flagship publication of the Institute of Geopolitics in Częstochowa (Polish leading NGO in geopolitics). It appears with a frequency of four times per year, with one issue in English. “PG” is currently accepting papers for the publication of its last volume (in English). The deadline for papers submission is set July 15th.
The articles and the reviews should respect formal structure and all requirements stated on the how-to-publish guide below.
The quarterly is addressed to the scientific community (academic staff, undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, etc.) as well as a broad group of geopolitics enthusiasts (teachers, analysts, academic non-professional staff and other interested individuals).
The Editorial Board will contact the authors in order to communicate the results of each evaluation (1st editorial board peer review, next – a double-blind review) and recommend potential changes to articles.
Guidelines for submission
The interested should submit their academic articles to redakcja@przeglad.org.
The Editorial Board will receive articles co-authored by two authors at maximum, but will not receive more than one article per one (co-) author. The author who submits more than one article per call will not classify for the 1st evaluation.
How-to-publish guide – text layout
1. Full name of the Author
2 Title: centered, bolded
3 Abstract: max 600 characters
5. Keywords: max 6
6. Body text: Times New Roman font, 12, adjusted
7. Format: all files should be submitted as Word documents, standard
8. Paragraph: first line – indented 1.25 cm, 1.5 line spacing
9. Reference: footnotes at the bottom of the page, adjusted, font 10,
according to the formula:
¹ J. Agnew, Western geopolitical thought in the twentieth century, New York 1985.
Ibidem, s. 124.
¹ L. Sykulski, Geopolitics and the Political Geography – Similarities and Differences, [in:] L. Sykulski (ed.), Geopolitics: Grounded in the Past Geared Toward the Future, Polish Geopolitical Society, Częstochowa 2013, s. 19-28.
¹ P. Taylor, The state as a container: territoriality in the modern world-system, ,,Progress in Human Geography” 1994, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 151-162.
¹ P. Alizada, Should Turkey join the EU?,
https://geopolityka.net/should-turkey-join-the-eu/, 11.04.2012.
10. Details about the Author: affiliation of each Author, academic degree (at the end
of the article)
11. Size: from a 0,5 to 1 publishing sheet.